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The Perfect Match

Over one million students have given a 5 star review to their tutor

  • Alkisti

    Greek tutor

    Highly knowledgable, very methodical and tailored to the needs of the student!


  • Rose

    Teaching training tutor

    Rose was extremely helpful, very quick to respond and gave excellent feedback.


  • Lalita

    Physics tutor

    Organised and helpful. Always on time and able to help with all subjects for Year 7. We were very happy.


  • Sivarshana

    German tutor

    Well structured, individualised lessons, personable. My son is enjoying his lessons.


  • Grace

    Maths tutor

    Grace is a great Science (Chemistry and Physics) tutor, very supportive, punctual and hard-working. Her ability to listen to my daughter’s needs in Chemistry and physics is has helped to enhance the confidence my daughter expected in grasping these subjects. Grace’s teaching methods are simple, adaptable and clear. My daughter performed exceptionally well in her Mock exams and also contributed to better prepare for her GCSE’s exams currently. Grace understands my daughter’s needs and employs different and simple ways of explaining those two subjects. I would highly recommend Grace to anyone needing extra support with secondary school science.


  • Rufus

    AAT tutor

    Rufus is a brilliant Tutor. He explains in great detail and simplifies a difficult subject and makes it interesting. Teaches you the full piture so your ready to sit your accounting exam from which ever diff6


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