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The Perfect Match

Over one million students have given a 5 star review to their tutor

  • Oliver

    Maths tutor

    Oliver was brilliant with my daughter putting her at ease and really gave her confidence with her Maths GCSE's. Wish I had got him earlier.


  • Aviya

    Hebrew teacher

    Aviya is a very good teacher, she's very clear and provided me with a vocab list which is useful for practise. She also finds a way to add in slang and more conversational language that would be very helpful when in Israel!


  • Reece

    Piano tutor

    A wide knowledge of music but more importantly, the ability to pass this information on to others i.e. to teach.


  • Simone

    Guitar tutor

    Simone is very chill, super nice and dedicated! He takes his time to explain concepts. It's been a pleasure to take classes with him.


  • Joe

    English tutor

    He’s amiable with people, also he makes the chat relaxed and provides examples if you don’t get it some


  • Eduardo

    Piano tutor

    I really like Eduardo teaching approaching . He's very patient, has a Clear Plan for his lessons and he has a LOT of knowledge. I highly recommend him !


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